The second annual project meeting of the Life4Oak Forests project took place from 28 May to 30 May in Felsőtárkány. Following the Steering Committee Meeting on Monday, the project inspection started on Tuesday. After answering the questions related to the first progress report, project beneficiaries introduced their work done so far to the two project supervisors, Alberto Cozzi and András Kovács. On the following two field days, the professionals of the Bükk National Park Directorate (BNPI), host of the monitoring visit, showcased five project sites and the marking of monitoring points and monitoring areas (1 ha) there managed by BNPI: Felsőtárkány Ostoros-völgy and Miklós-völgy, Bükkzsérci Ortás and Kerecsendi-erdő, and finally Mátraszentimre-Fallóskút. At Mátraszentimre-Fallóskút the planned conservation intervention marking was introduced with the aim to enrich the structure of Natura 2000 oak habitats and develop micro-habitats.
Second annual project meeting at Felsőtárkány
on June 24, 2019
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