Familiy day

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The 5th of September was held a day dedicated to the families in the life Life4oakforests project area of Carnè-Rontana, Parco regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola . Children and parents were involved in didactic activities and explanations concernig the … Read More

Forest day

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The 4th of September the Forest Day nel Parco regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola was held. Excursions in the Life 4OakForests area of Carnè Rontana were organized. The path included explanation routes in the forestry interventions areas, explaining and … Read More

Forty thousand seedlings were planted

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In the spring of 2021, the Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate planted 40,000 seedlings in the Esztergom project area where previously the invasive plant as well as explosive objects were eliminated.Unlike tree plantations, native forest stands are home to a diversity … Read More

Visit of the OakeyLIFE project

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09/03/2021. Budapest by Péter Koncz The LIFE4OakForests and the OakeyLIFE projects (http://oakeylife.hu/) are two complementary projects to restore oak forests. The OakeyLIFE is focusing on the forests in the lowlands. To know more about the aims, activities and results of … Read More

Wildcats are back in the wilderness!

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The major habitat types of the wildcat are the natural, dense, extensive forests. It finds nutrition and suitable shelters in natural-like forests. The experts of Bükk National Park Directorate – Hungary who work to restore natural forests within the LIFE4OakForest … Read More

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