In June 6th and 7th 2023 at the Aula Magna, Department of Architecture – Roma 3 University in Rome – Life4Oak Forests partecipated at the International Conference THE FOREST FACTOR more Nature to fight climate change. The conference was addressed to various topics through the interventions of distinguished Italian and international speakers. It was organized by the the Comando Unità Forestali Ambientali e Agroalimentari Carabinieri (Carabinieri Environmental and Agri-food Forestry Unit Command) Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversità (Carabinieri Biodiversity Grouping) in collaboration with the Environemntal ministry of the environment and energy security and other institutions. Life4OakForests was present at the Side event: LIFE in forest marketplace a networking event for LIFE projects on forest management and conservation to encourage the exchange of ideas and the sharing of good practices and to foster the development of new partnerships aimed at forest management and conservation. Life4OakForests had an an information point desk to foster project dissemination. The staff of MAR attended also the International Conference The Forest Factor with a poster prepared for the event and shown to the public.
The conference took place in one of the most historical districts in Rome: Testaccio, whose name derives from the latin word ‘testae’, referring to the remains of the amphoras that constitute the foundation of mount Testaccio. In fact, in past times, Testaccio represented a key commercial area known as the Roman Emporium: amphoras full of wheat, oil and wine were transported from Ostia across the Tevere river, arriving at Testaccio to be then commercialised all over the city. These amphoras, once emptied, were then thrown away leading to the formation of mount Testaccio.
In modern times, Testaccio still remains a key commercial area, especially regarding meat supplies. However, even though the market still plays a central role in the district, the former slaughterhouse has been dismissed and re-adapted to host a contemporary art museum and the Department of Architecture of Roma 3 University, that hosted the event.
On this International occasion, Life4Oak Forests had the great opportunity to public its activities and received really great interest and recognition.