Species and habitat description

This impressive species can be found in steppes where the oak forest is mixed with large sunny glades, grasslands. These karst forests consist not only of trees, but also of the mosaic of grasslands, thus we chose this species as a flagship species to emphasize the importance of these habitats! It grows to about 50-80 (-100) cm high. Its large, pink (rarely whitish) flowers stand in a cluster. In traditional medicine its leaves and roots was used to cure wounds and internally against rheumatism. On the leaves there are oil glands, which contain essential oils (furoquinoline alkaloids, furocumarin).

Major threats

The homogenisation of forests and the lack of forest-grassland mosaic patches reduce the distribution area of the species. In the Pilis Mountains large populations can be found, however in the Fóti-Somlyó project area due to the forest succession its habitat could be reduced.

Specific conservation action

By maintaining and creating forest edges, shrub-forest-grasslands mixtures, sunny glades we contribute to the conservation of the species. Similarly to the project areas in Esztergom, in Fóti-Somlyó, we also carry out the maintenance of glades.

Related project areas

Lendvai Gábor, in Farkas Sándor (szerk.) 1999: Magyarország védett növényei. Mezőgazda Kiadó, Bp., – Bartha Dénes-Felföldy Lajos in Király Gergely (szerk.) 2009: Új magyar füvészkönyv. Magyarország hajtásos növényei. Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Jósvafő.