General description of project area



Name of the project area: Börzsöny – Diósjenő

Surface area (ha): 55.060

EU protection status SPA: NATURA 2000 Code HUDI10002

EU protection status SCI: NATURA 2000 Code HUDI20008

Other protection status according to national or regional legislation: National Park, Nationally Protected Area

The main uses of the project site: The main land uses: Nature Conservation 50%, tourism 20%, forestry 30%

The ownership status: Sate property 100%


Scientific description of project area


Various forests can be found on the slopes of the Central-Börzsöny. The forest compartment of the project with 10 sub-compartments which can be found near Diósjenő is almost in a foothill position around 300 m above sea level. Considering both the age structure (20-120 years) and the composition by species (Robinia and Fagus) extremely different parts can be found, although oak dominated stands are characteristic.
Basically the 91G0* Pannonic woods with Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus (51,75%) and 91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak –sessile oak forests (28,7%) are the Natura 2000 marker habitats, but the patches of 40A0Subcontinental peri-Pannonic scrub (9%) can also be found. There are some 9130 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests (6,6%) as well. However, the presence of Robinia pseudoacacia (4%) does not promote the spreading of oak trees and the maintenance of natural values in the priority 91G0* Pannonic woods with Quercus petraea and Carpinus betulus habitat.
The area is rich in natural values, but it was insufficiently monitored (because of the marginal location and the diverse, but still young tree stands which is not will interesting enough in a reseach point of view).
Priority animals of the area:

  • Mammals: Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis myotis, Rhinolophus hipposideros
  • Birds: Dryocopus martius, Dendrocopos leucotos, Ficedula albicollis, Pernis apivorus and Picus canus
  • Amphibians: Rana dalmatina
  • Reptiles: Anguis fragilis, and Lacerta viridis
  • Beetles: Cerambyx cerdo, Dorcus parallelipipedus and Lucanus cervus
  • Butterflies: Eriogaster catax, Parnassius Mnemosyne


Importance of the project area for biodiversity and/or for the conservation of the species /habitat types targeted at regional, national and EU level


The potentials of the area are outstanding to raise the chance to maintain the natural values by theremoval of invasive Robinia pseudoacacia and by creating a diversified habitat structure. As forest management with economic purpose is typical in the whole Börzsöny it is necessary not only in a local but national level for the sake of certain species (mushrooms, insects, birds) to form such blocks where logging is not the main purpose.
Oak forests have a significant potential to maintain the native deciduous forests for a long time.
Improving and maintaining the quality of the referred Natura 2000 marker habitats is important even in EU level.


Flagship species of project area

Cerambyx cerdo, Dendrocoposmedius,not meidus, Strix aluco


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